Theft Crimes
Pittsburgh Theft Defense Attorney.
Crimes involving the theft or destruction of property can be penalized very severely in Pennsylvania. A conviction for a theft offense can permanently stain your record and severely limit future employment opportunities. Meanwhile, property-related offenses like Arson, Burglary, and Criminal Trespass are felony charges that can result in a state prison sentence if convicted. When facing such high stakes, it is imperative that you speak to an experienced Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Lawyer from Bishop Law immediately.
At Bishop Law, we understand that there is more to the story than the information included in the officer's police report. We want to hear your side of the story, begin our own investigation, and provide you with the strongest defense possible. Whether your goal is to beat the case or simply to stay out of jail, we have the experience and expertise necessary to get the job done.
At Bishop Law, we represent clients charged with the following theft and property-related crimes:
Criminal Trespass
Criminal Mischief
Theft by Unlawful Taking
Theft by Deception
Theft by Extortion
Theft of Property Lost, Mislaid or Delivered by Mistake
Receiving Stolen Property
Retail Theft
Theft from a Motor Vehicle
Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
Access Device Fraud
Don't let a theft or property-related charge affect your future. Call Bishop Law today. Our number one goal is to get your case dismissed!
Charged with theft or a property-related crime? Contact Bishop Law today.
Call or text (412) 589-9422 or fill out the contact form below to speak to an experienced Pittsburgh Lawyer immediately. We are available 24/7 and are here to serve you with a strong defense!