Underage Drinking
In Pennsylvania, any person under the age of 21 who is caught possessing, purchasing, consuming, or transporting alcohol will be charged with Underage Drinking, 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 6308. Although graded as a summary offense, a citation for Underage Drinking can carry serious consequences and should not be taken lightly. A conviction will result in a mandatory driver's license suspension, fines and costs, and a stain on the defendant's criminal record that cannot be removed for at least five years. Moreover, an Underage Drinking conviction must be disclosed on many school and job applications and can hinder future educational and employment opportunities.
Penalties for Underage Drinking
The minimum penalties for underage drinking in Pennsylvania are as follows:
A fine of up to $500 plus court costs;
A 90-day driver’s license suspension for a first offense;
A one year license suspension for a second offense; and
A two year license suspension for third and subsequent offenses.
Additionally, the courts may require the minor defendant to be evaluated to determine the extent of their involvement with alcohol and may also require them to successfully complete a program of alcohol education, intervention or counseling.
If the minor defendant does not have a driver's license at the time of their conviction, they will be ineligible to apply for a learner's permit for the time period of the suspension. If they are under 16 years of age on the conviction date, their suspension will not begin until their 16th birthday.
Cited for Underage Drinking? Call Bishop Law Today.
As every parent is keenly aware, good kids can make poor decisions. Don't let your child's momentary lapse in judgment result in long-term consequences that could hinder future educational and employment opportunities. If your child has been cited for Underage Drinking, call or text (412) 589-9422 for a free and confidential consultation with an experienced attorney at Bishop Law.
We will work tirelessly to protect your child's future and have their charges dismissed.
Underage Drinking Attorney in Pittsburgh, PA.
A Warning Regarding Furnishing Alcohol to Minors in PA.
In Pennsylvania, adults (even parents) who knowingly and intentionally supply persons under the age of 21 with alcohol can be charged with Selling or Furnishing Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages to Minors, 18 Pa.C.S. Section 6310.1, graded as a misdemeanor of the third degree. If convicted, they can be sentenced to up to a year in jail and must pay a fine of at least $1,000 for the first offense and $2,500 for each additional offense.
Adults are even liable for guests who drink in their homes. So if, for example, an adult had 17 teenagers in their home for a party and they were drinking alcohol, the party could cost the adult $41,000. That’s $1,000 for the first teenage drinker and $2,500 for each of the other 16 drinkers.
Even worse, if the teenagers being supplied with alcohol are under 18 years of age, the adult could be charged with Corruption of Minors, 18 Pa.C.S. Section 6301, graded as a misdemeanor of the first degree. If convicted, they could be sentenced to up to five years in prison.
Charged with Underage Drinking? Contact Bishop Law today.
Call or text (412) 589-9422 or fill out the contact form below to speak to an experienced Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Lawyer immediately.